How to learn Android Development in 2017
Hi People, Interested in Learning Android App Development but still confused where to start or go with Java or Kotlin.
As a Beginner Developer these question and confusion are obvious.
Basically, if i talk in an abstract manner their are three way to dive in Android Development:-
1. Go with Java.
2. Go with Java and Kotlin both.
3. Go with Javascript.
Now lets talk in little bit details
1.If you have prior Knowledge of Java then go with Java and implement it on Android .Try to Build some basic apps. After I/O 17 lot of developers are confused about "weather Android will support Java in future or is it worth learning java".For those Developers "Java is not going anywhere for next 4-5 years and it will be supported by android although we have kotlin". but i highly encourage you to learn kotlin as well. Here are some resources to learn Android Development from scratch.
I. Udacity Android Fundamental: ud837
II. Udacity Multipage App Development: apps--ud839
and much more at this link. Start with beginner then intermediate then Advanced.
2. If you are not good in java .i will recommend you to learn kotlin because in future their will a huge demand of kotlin developers in the industry an in next few years although kotlin is totally inter operable with java so you can still use your java knowledge but learning kotlin is a future proof idea.
Here are some resource to start with Kotlin:
I. Language Fundamentals:
II. Android Fundamental with Kotlin:
III. Complete Kotlin Course:
IV. Treehouse course:
3.When i talked about Developing native android app with Javascript you started thinking of Hybrid Apps. No!I m really talking about real Native Apps with Javascript. If you are good at web development then their is no need to learn new technology you can use your existing skills to build awesome Native apps.
Yes! I am not lying
and Here the Star is REACT NATIVE
React Native is a open source javascript library developed by facebook to develop cross platform native apps using javascript and using single codebase.but i ll recommend you to learn react js after that React Native is a cup of cake for you.
Here are some resources to learn reactjs and react native at a faster pace:
1. Complete React JS Course:
2. Traversy media on YouTube:
3. React Native Crash Course:
4.React Native Course on Udemy :
I hope This Post will help You....Happy Learning!!
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